
class JavaPlayer(suspendingPlayer: Player) : CoroutineScope, JavaEventSource<Event>

Wrapper class for Player which replaces suspending functions by using CompletableFuture.

See also


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constructor(suspendingPlayer: Player)


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All events received using a Flow.Publisher

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whether the playback is currently paused or not

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val playingTrack: Track?

the currently playing Track

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the position of the current song the player is at (-1 if playingTrack is null)

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the underlying delegate EventSource

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val volume: Int

the current volume of this player


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open fun <E : Event> on(eventType: Class<E>, handler: Consumer<E>)

Creates an event handler which executes Consumer for every event of eventType.

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fun pause(doPause: Boolean = true): CompletableFuture<Void>

Pauses/unpauses playback of the current track.

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fun playTrack(track: Track): CompletableFuture<Void>

Changes the currently playing track to track.

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Seeks to a specific position in the current playback.

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Stops playback of the currently playing track.

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Unpauses the playback

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Creates an EqualizerBuilder to update equalizer config. This does not update the equalizers. To update equalizers please call EqualizerBuilder.apply