
interface StatsEvent

Event received regularly from nodes to update node stats.


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data class Cpu(val cores: Int, val systemLoad: Double, val lavalinkLoad: Double)

Cpu statistics of a node.

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data class FrameStats(val sent: Int, val nulled: Int, val deficit: Int)

Statistics for frames of node for the last 60 seconds.

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data class Memory(val free: Long, val used: Long, val allocated: Long, val reservable: Long)

Memory statistics of a node.


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abstract val cpu: StatsEvent.Cpu

the Cpu statistics of this node

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the FrameStats statistics of this node (only present if players 0)

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the Memory statistics of this node

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abstract val players: Int

amount of players on this node

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abstract val playingPlayers: Int

amount of playing players on this node

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abstract val uptime: Long

the amount of milliseconds the node was running