
data class LavaplayerTrack(val version: Byte, val track: String, val title: String, val author: String, val length: Duration, val identifier: String, val isStream: Boolean, val isSeekable: Boolean, val uri: String?, val source: String, val position: Duration)

Representation of a Lavalink audio track.


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constructor(version: Byte, track: String, title: String, author: String, length: Duration, identifier: String, isStream: Boolean, isSeekable: Boolean, uri: String?, source: String, position: Duration)


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object Companion


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the author of the track

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the identifier for the track (e.g. youtube video id)

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whether this track is seekable or not (opposite of isStream)

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whether this track is a stream or not

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the length of the track as a Duration (On Java please use TrackUtil instead)

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the current position of the track (normally 0 or length) (See Player.position; On Java please use TrackUtil instead)

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the Lavaplayer source of this track (e.g. youtube)

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the title of the track

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the base64 encoded string representing a Lavalink readable track

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val uri: String?

the full url of the track (if it's not a local track)

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version of track format (i guess no one actually knows what it is)