Package-level declarations


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@Serializable(with = Category.Serializer::class)
sealed class Category
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Event fired when the segments for a track were loaded.

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Event fired when a chapter began.

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Event fired when a segment was skipped.

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Event fired when the segments for a track were loaded.

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Super class for all sponsor block events.

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data class SponsorblockSegment(val category: Category, val start: @Serializable(with = DurationSerializer::class) Duration, val end: @Serializable(with = DurationSerializer::class) Duration)

Representation of a Sponsorblock segment.

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data class YouTubeChapter(val name: String, val start: @Serializable(with = DurationSerializer::class) Duration, val end: @Serializable(with = DurationSerializer::class) Duration, val duration: @Serializable(with = DurationSerializer::class) Duration)

Representation of a YouTube chapter.