Package-level declarations
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Internal class.
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Bridge between LavaKord and JDA.
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interface LavakordJdaBase
Response of Lavakord builders
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Bridge between ShardManager and JDA.
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Result of a JDA Lavakord builder.
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Result of a ShardManager Lavakord builder.
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Applies all needed options of this jda to this JDABuilder.
fun DefaultShardManagerBuilder.applyLavakord(shardManager: LavaKordShardManager): DefaultShardManagerBuilder
Applies all needed options of this shardManager to this DefaultShardManagerBuilder.
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suspend fun JDABuilder.buildWithLavakord(executor: CoroutineContext? = null, options: MutableLavaKordOptions = MutableLavaKordOptions(), builder: MutableLavaKordOptions.() -> Unit = {}): LJDA
Builds a new LavaKordJDA and applies builder to it.
suspend fun DefaultShardManagerBuilder.buildWithLavakord(executor: CoroutineContext? = null, options: MutableLavaKordOptions = MutableLavaKordOptions(), builder: MutableLavaKordOptions.() -> Unit = {}): LShardManager
Builds a new LavaKordShardManager and applies builder to it.
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suspend fun JDA.lavakord(jda: LavaKordJDA, executor: CoroutineContext? = null, options: MutableLavaKordOptions = MutableLavaKordOptions(), builder: MutableLavaKordOptions.() -> Unit = {}): LavaKord
suspend fun ShardManager.lavakord(shardManager: LavaKordShardManager, executor: CoroutineContext? = null, options: MutableLavaKordOptions = MutableLavaKordOptions(), builder: MutableLavaKordOptions.() -> Unit = {}): LavaKord
Builds the LavaKord instance for this ShardManager.