Package-level declarations
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Exception thrown when there is no permission to perform a certain action.
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Representation of a Lavalink cluster.
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interface LavaKordOptions
Interface representing options for Kordlink.
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data class MutableLavaKordOptions(val loadBalancer: MutableLavaKordOptions.LoadBalancingConfig = LoadBalancingConfig(), val link: MutableLavaKordOptions.LinkConfig = LinkConfig(), val plugins: MutableLavaKordOptions.PluginsConfig = PluginsConfig()) : LavaKordOptions
Mutable implementation of LavaKordOptions.
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Exception thrown on Link.addressStatus when there is no route planner set in Lavalink configuration.
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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY] )
Marks a declaration as part of the plugin api.
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Exception indicating a REST request failed.
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Marks a declaration as part of the low-level REST api mapping.